Vulnerable Poor To Start Receiving Cash On 6th July
By Damba Rogers
The cabinet that Sat yesterday 28th June 2021 at state house Entebbe has approved a list of categories of vulnerable groups of people who depend on daily earning that are going to benefit from the money that is going to be sent to their phones from the Covid 19 task force.
According to the minister of gender labor and social development Hon Betty Amongi while addressing media at the media center today said the vulnerable groups include bodaboda riders, teachers, Street vendors, bus and taxi drivers and conductors, saloons, and gym workers among others.
Amongi added that a total of 501107 households are targeted in this exercise and money will be sent to phones of those whose lines are registered in their names, and each person is going to get 100,000 shs each.
Amongi also added that registration of data will begin tomorrow 30- 4th July and it will be collected door to door and sending money on people’s phones will begin on 6th July 2021.
Since news broke out that the government will be giving out money to the vulnerable poor in the three districts of Kampala, Mukono and Wakiso urban areas many Ugandans have anxiously been waiting but with a lot of questions.
Finance and digital experts have also questioned the channel through which government will use to identify the right beneficiaries when the time comes for identifying and distributing to beneficiaries.