By. Damba Rogers
With 1.2 million Ugandans traveling out of the country annually, only 50,000 of them travel while insured and the biggest number travel with no insurance which puts their lives and property at risk. Now to make life easy for Ugandans, UAP has launched an online travel insurance packed dubbed, Ekibbo.
This new insurance product comes with unique features, as it can be accessed online to curb on personal interface as a means to make life very easy for UAP clients who intend to take up the travel insurance scheme.
The chief finance officer at UAP, Musoke Allan Kyambadde says, a client will be served a day after lodging in their claim.
However, the head of marketing UAP, Dogo Singh Sherman adds that, goes for USD.200 to USD.50,000 with minors not exceeding 19 years having a 50% discount on the charges.
Musoke notes that, “as an organization that continues to grow its business fortunes through customer led strategies, they saw the need to establish themselves more firmly as an effective and innovative industry leader with an enhanced distinctive travel insurance customer value proposition with a new global partner, AXA assistance.” He further stresses that the new product is intended to preposition and reinvigorate UAP as a brand.
Such innovation, are a promise kept by UAP old mutual insurance to continue championing customers to be at their exceptional best by genuinely supporting them through coaching, motivating and advantaging them with world class products such as the enhanced travel insurance product and an online distribution channel, the Ekibbo.
Among the packages under this new insurance cover include, travel delays, lost baggage, health insurance, emergency accommodation, legal expenses among others.