Rwakajara’s Achievements in Parliament As Workers- MP
By Jimmy Twist
As the country gears up for 2021 general elections, one of the key positions in parliament is that of representatives of workers. Workers’ MPs represent over 8 million workers in the country.
Hon Arinaitwe Rwakajara, who joined parliament in 2011, is praised as an MP who has since played a pivotal role in bringing up the Minimum Wage Bill 2015, which was passed by parliament into law but still awaiting the president’s signature to become an act.
The Bill , sought to have an establishment of minimum wage boards as mechanisms for determining minimum wages for each sector, duties, powers, and functions of the board and the procedures for determining the minimum wage.
Hon Rwakajara said that the law is meant to address the gaps in the current Minimum Wage Advisory Board Act by providing for an employee-employer led minimum wage determination, sectoral based minimum wage determination, and application.
He also moved a motion seeking leave to table the Externalization of Labour Bill, 2019 which seeks to address the gap left in the Employment Act, 2006 that does not provide for the protection and welfare of workers outside Uganda.
Hon Rwakajara has also been a key player working with other four MPs for workers in lobbying for the NSSF Amendment Bill Act for mid-term access which is before the committee on Gender Labour and Social Development, the Committee on Finance, Planning, and Economic Development, which have been scrutinizing the bill.
The MPs want a 20 percent midterm access for contributors who are 45 years and above and have saved with the Fund for more than 10 years.
Rwakajara is seeking his third term as the workers’ representative.