By Admin The speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga is disappointed with the slow pace at which ROKO Construction is building the new chambers. The nine-floor building which was expected to be completed next month still stacks on the 4th floor. She advised the contractor to deploy more man-power and work 24 hours a day, she wants the remaining work to be completed in one year. In 2017 Parliament of Uganda handed over the site to the contractors of the project, Roko Construction Limited to kick start the construction of the chambers at the North Wing which are expected to house 500 MPs and also have office space for legislators and staff. The contractor was given three years to complete the 9 storied building, But three years down the road the construction was going on at a snail speed with only four floors finished. The parliamentary commission led by the speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga visited the site and was disappointed with the slow pace of the contractor. Kadaga blamed ROKO for deploying inadequate manpower which has affected the progress of the construction. The commission asked the contractor to start constructing during day and night and also have workers sleep on sight to expedite the work. The contractor was given only one year to hand over the completed work on 27th July 2021. However, the contractor attributed the delay of the work to the lockdown caused by Covid-19 for the, expressed discomfort with the new tough conditions of parliament claiming they will slap huge costs on his side. The new parliamentary chambers are considered to be the only viable solution to save the August house from the congestion. It will also house MPs offices, Committee rooms, museum among other things as opposed to the current chamber whose capacity is 100.