Uganda Ranks 40th in Child-Friendliness in Africa-Report
By Nassiwa Hanifah.
193 member states of United Nations reached consensus to end violence against children in all its forms by 2030 under the leadership of Uganda said, the Attorney General of Uganda William Byaruhanga.
He made those remarks during a stakeholder’s dialogue in Kampala to improve child well-being in the country, organized by Parliamentary Forum on Children, as part of sustainable development goals (SDGs) which aims at ending violence against children in all its forms such as abuse, exploitation, trafficking among others.
In 2016 Uganda became pathfinder to make central contribution against child violence, based on the desire by its leaders to end violence against children, he added.
He also added that Uganda is currently amongst the 13th pathfinders in the world and second in Africa after Tanzania to commit to develop a unified agenda for action to end violence against children. However expressed his disappointment with Uganda status in child –friendliness report by African child policy forum (ACPF) 2018 report that ranks Uganda at 40th.
According to the survey report made by African Child Policy Forum in 2018 regarding the child friendliness index regarding the performance of African governments in fulfilling their obligation to children in terms of protection, provision and participation of the children, Uganda is among the less child friendly countries ranking 40th out of 52 countries dropping ten places from 30th position where it was ranked in 2013 which shows decline in delivering to children.
Stella Ayo Odongo the executive director of Uganda Children’s Rights NGO Network who released this report encouraged government to Increase investment in sectors and mechanisms to support children, strengthen the systems and operationalize the laws and enforce them.
According to the report Mauritius stand number 1, Algeria 2, Tunisia number 3, as most child-friendly in Africa.
The report launched today by African child policy forum (ACPF), the reason for Uganda’s low performance include lack implementing child related laws.
It notes that though Uganda has put in place a number of child related laws, there are some important legal instruments that Uganda has yet to adopt.
Citing an example of the Hague convention on inter-country adoption and the optional protocol to CRC on communication procedure.
The report also indicate widespread physical violence on children within the home and alternative care providers, corporal punishment has not been prohibited in these settings. Minimum age for admission to the employment is 12 years and falls below the recommended age-14.
Speaking at the function, the chairperson of Uganda Parliamentary forum on children Bernard Atiku castigated the Ministry of Gender for delaying statutory instruments of the recently amended children’s act law which he claims is a part has frustrated the fight against violence against children. He noted that he is preparing the anti-human sacrifice bill which seeks to end child sacrifice in which Uganda Leeds globally