Oulanya Gives Gov’t up to Tuesday to Table Electoral Reforms
By Nassiwa Hanifah Samula
Gov’t given up to April to table electoral reforms
The deputy speaker of parliament Jacob Oulanya has given gov’t up to Tuesday to table the electoral reforms since the deadline is due.
This follows the speaker Kadaga’s directive to government to bring to parliament these reforms at the end of April but up to now government has not complied. In response to the deputy speaker’s plea the state minister for Finance David Bahati has assured parliament that the reforms will be tabled on Tuesday next week.
However, Oulanya insists that if government fails to bring the reforms on Tuesday a decision will be made by parliament. On the other hand Shadow Attorney General, Hon. Wilfred Niwagaba (Ind. Ndorwa East Nuwagaba Wilfred has asked the speaker to allow him present the electoral reforms from the opposition side if government fails to present theirs.
The deputy speaker advised ,the MP to wait until next week ,then he can table it.