Kanungu Orphans Whose Parents Perished in The Kibwetere Incident – Want Access To Burial Sites
By Admin
The speaker of Parliament Rebecca Kadaga has received a letter from the orphans Kanungu group whose parents perished in the Kibwetere incident in March 2000.
They indicated that they have been denied access to the sites where their parents were buried and despite several investigations, no report has been provided to them.
“This matter has been discussed several times in Parliament. I subsequently wrote on 2nd September 2019 and 17th February 2020 on the same issue. In both letters, I requested the Prime Minister to among others, meet the group and discuss the issue of their compensation. They claim that the President gave them assurance of compensation in 2016 Kadaga noted,”.
The speaker has therefore directed that the Prime Minister present to Parliament action taken on the matter within two weeks on the Kibwetere investigation.
The cult led by Joseph Kibwetere was called the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, a group that splintered from the Roman Catholic Church in Uganda.
The group gained infamy after 778 of its members were found dead from a fire believed to have been orchestrated by the cult leaders.