By. Damba Rogers
Health workers under the Uganda medical association are strongly against the growing acts by political leaders in upcountry district of forcing health workers to take the covid19 vaccination saying such acts are against the labour laws of this country.
Addressing a news conference today in Kampala, the association president, Dr. Richard Idro together with his secretary-general Dr. Mukuzi Muhereza Katongole state that they have learned with concern from the press that in some districts, the political leadership has issued orders for health workers to be vaccinated and further, tagging non-vaccination to withholding the pay of the health workers and teachers in question.
UMA leadership further notes that this implies the absence of consent in an activity that should be voluntary and demands that the political leaders spare heading such illegalities to stop.
Following the vaccination launch by govt on 10th March 2021, health workers were among the special group’s govt listed for vaccination before the exercise is rolled out to other Ugandans.
As of last week, over 200,000 people out of the initial target of nearly one million had received the vaccine.