Anita Among, the Bukedea Woman MP and Deputy Speaker of Parliament today chaired her first plenary, presiding over the approval of the Vice President Jessica Alupo and Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja.
The house also approved the motion to increase the number of Ministers from 80 to 81.
However, her first day had a couple of glitches and Anita Among got engaged in consultations through each of the three motions on the floor even as she chaired the house, while on some occasions she moved on to conclude business without following the usual procedure.
On the motion to increase the number of Ministers, after allowing members to move the motion and second the motion, Anita Among posed the question if the house approves the increase in the number of Ministers without debate on the same.
Procedurally, the Speaker is meant to open up a matter on the floor for debate, before a questioned is asked if members approve it or not, but the house went on to approve the Minister without debate.
When it came to the approval of the Vice President Jessica Alupo, Anita Among forgot to pose a question of whether MPs approve or disapprove the Vice President Jessica Alupo. The house went on to approve Alupo without the question being posed.
Anita Among realizing that she forgot to pose a question of whether MPs approve or disprove the Vice President Jessica Alupo, she interrupted the Vice President who was already making her maiden speech and posed the question if members approved on disapproved the appointment of Alupo.
The MPs approved Alupo, and she continued with her speech.
When it came to the approval of the Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, Anita Among also presided over a proposal stopping debate on Nabbanja after an MP for Soi County Abdi Fadhil Chemaswet proposed that the debate on the matter be halted, stating that by several people speaking on the same microphones, there shall be risk of spreading COVID-19.
This caused drama in the house, with some MPs questioning why there cannot be debate. As a matter of procedure, MPs are supposed to debate on the matter and therefore approve or disapprove the appointee.
Joseph Ssewungu, the Kalungu West MP said COVID-19 should not be used to stifle debate.
Anita Among supported the proposal to suspend debate on Nabbanja because of COVID-19.
An MP who preferred not to be named to speak freely on the matter, grumbled over Among’s handling of the session.
“If you looked at the way she steered the house, it was more of bullying, with the nominees being approved without debate” the MP from the opposition said.