Bank of Uganda Shocks MPs
Bank of Uganda has today shocked MPs to disclose that the former director supervision Justine Bagyenda stole their documents in February this year. This comes after bou officials tendered in progressive quarterly reports of liquidation process of the defunct banks.
The former executive director supervision at the bank of Uganda Justine Bagyenda who was summoned to appear before the parliamentary committee on commissions statutory authorities and state enterprises has today shunned the committee probing closure of Seven banks and instead delegated her lawyer Robert Kirunda who tendered in a letter to the committee indicating that his client was invited to attend an international Trauma summit sitting Boston USA between 27-30th November organized by the world international federation but she committed to appear immediately on her return.
However this submission run short of words to convince members of Parliament and some revealed that Bagyenda is not in USA as the letter indicates but in Nairobi Kenya. Her travel documents also didn’t indicate USA as her destination but Amsterdam Netherlands instead. This prompted lawmakers to ask the committee chair to issue a warrant of arrest such that the defiant Bagyenda is brought before the committee to account.
The chairperson person Abudu Katuntu ruled to extended summons against Bagyenda to Thursday of this week at 10:30 to appear and failure to do so the committee will immediately consider issuing the warrant of arrest. He tasked the police to ascertain the whereabouts of Bagyenda and noted that on her return she will be required to deposit her passports with either Parliament or the bank.
Katuntu however expressed his disappointment with the bank of Uganda governor over the letter which circulated on social media indicating that the Governor Mutebile had sent the committee chairperson confidential documents of BoU which Katuntu denied recipient. In his response Mutebile Apologized claiming that he was also shocked on seeing this letter which he accepts that was signed by him but was coming to the committee at a later stage. He noted that he has directed investigations in to the matter.
The committee their after turned guns to the director security of BoU Milton Opio Olyeki and tasked him to explain whether the BoU has ever lost some of its documents, arising from the fact that up to now officials have failed to submit the progressed quarterly reports that were done during the liquidation of the three Banks ICB, the cooperative bank and Greenland Bank.
Opio’s revelations left the committee shocked when he disclosed that they got information on 13 march 2018 from a source indicating that the driver and a bodyguard of Justine Bagyenda beaten security and ferried three bags of documents out of BoU on Sunday 11th February 2018. They obtained a search warrant to search Bagyenda’s home but before they went there, the same people returned the documents but only two bags were brought. The chairperson then constituted a committee of four members including Brig. Francis Takirwa UPDF Mp, Betty Muzanira the Rukungiri woman mp, Nathan Itungo the Kashari county mp and Andrew Aja Byaryayanga the Kabale Municipality mp to go to the BoU headquarters and investigate the CCTV camera footage which captured on the day documents were stollen.
The committee has also invited the two police officers who were on gate that day plus the driver and the body guard to appear before the committee.