Parliament Passes The Market BILL, 2021
By Admin
Parliament considered and passed the Markets Bill, 2021 yesterday to repeal the Markets Act Cap 94 of 1942. The Bill seeks to provide a comprehensive legal framework to strengthen the regulation, management, and administration of markets.
The Bill prohibits Civil servants and politicians from owning stalls in public markets and slapped hefty penalties on vandals.
The Markets Bill, 2021 is a private members bill moved by Hon. Margaret Rwabushaija the Workers MP. The Bill provides for the registration of all vendors in public markets and regulates the election of the market Management Committees from vendors.
The Bill has provided for private ownership of markets but outlawed multiple ownership of stalls in the private markets, meaning one vendor – one stall.
Councilors and civil servants have been prohibited from owning stalls in public markets to cure the element of conflict of interest from public servants which have been escalating wrangles in public markets.
The markets bill has placed hefty penalties on perpetrators of vandalism in Public markets with a fine of UGX2m or a jail term of two years as the minister of Local governments Raphael Magyezi explains.
The Bill was a private members’ Bill moved by workers’ MP, Hon Margret Rwabushaija.