Ebola Therapeutic Treatment Kicks Off Next Week
By Admin.
The health minister, Hon. Jane Ruth Aceng confirms that the country will start therapeutic treatment of ebola next week.
Speaking on the sidelines of the hepatitis meeting today in Kampala, Aceng mentioned that, being a trial drug, Uganda is to use it only in research.
Aceng further states that currently there are three isolated suspected cases of ebola and 68 contacts have been vaccinated.
Only two of the isolated cases have tested positive.
She further urges the country to stay calm as govt and development partners are having the situation under control.
As of today, there has been no new confirmed cases of ebola. She also thanks health workers and workers at the entry points for the great job done.
Uganda will remain on alert even when there are no new cases being reported.
Aceng also asks the public to remain on alert and avoid hand shakes to prevent further transmission of the deadly disease.